Talent show

Hi peoples, there is going to be a talent show next week, leaders will be competing (especially the Brian-ator). There will be a prize for the winners and runners up, losers will be left in a hole to starve. If props, sound effects or music are required please provide them yourself.

Edit: Groups are allowed, no more than 4 to a group, performances must be more than 5 minutes for each group/individual.

Another winning year

The Wanger society once again win the Rock trophy at the Chase Walk this year, that makes 9 years on the trot. Congratulations to Angus, Adam Blood, Andrew and Ezra. 

Our other team did exceptionally well too with a stellar time of 14 hours 6 minutes. Well done to Eli, Billy, Jess Mac and Dave. You should all be very proud of yourselves. 

The badges you all received can be attached to your uniforms, they should go above the world scout association member badge (the purple round one). 

Well done, all of the leaders are very proud of what you have managed to achieve once again. 

Things to remember for the Chase Walk

To those of you doing the walk this weekend here a few things you need to remember to bring with you/do:

  1. Your completed health form if you have not already given it to me, if you come without it you will not be able to take part
  2. A chair to sit on, on Friday night (or in the case of Eli a small uncomfortable stool)
  3. Some money for the chip shop on Friday night
  4. Other kit aside from your Chase walk kit (i.e. sleeping bag, mat, pillow, your favourite jim jams)
  5. Some talc to help with chafing
  6. Another pair of shoes to wear when you are not wearing your walking boots
  7. Eat plenty of carbs on the lead up, this will help your energy levels on the actual walk
  8. If you are among the new boot buyers make sure you are wearing them as much as possible before the walk

As I said on Tuesday I will be arriving at camp somewhere around 15:00, it is in your best interest to get there as early as possible so you can put your tents up in daylight.

See you at Beaudesert tomorrow!

Kit check TONIGHT

Please bring all kit tonight except food, that includes boots, hats, gloves, compasses (if you need one we have some for sale, please bring £5 if you need one), whistles EVERYTHING.  Please check the kit you will need as a team too, as you are responsible for that too.

Also please bring with you a completed health form (Chase Walk Health Form 2015).

Final practice walk

Tomorrow morning will be our final practice walk. Please meet at the windmill pub in Meir Heath at 7:15 am. Everyone must be there with full kit please. 

If you have not paid for the Chase walk yet please bring your £22 tomorrow too. 

See you in the morning.