St. George’s day


On Tuesday night I forgot to mention that this Sunday (22nd April) is St. George’s day. This year it will be held at the Longton Rugby club at Trentham lakes and it starts at 13:30. Below is a copy of the email sent out by Elizabeth:

This Year it will be celebrated at Longton Rugby Club off Stanley Mathews Way Trentham Lakes.

Please can we all meet at 1.30, there is ample parking, and pick up at 3pm.
Please will you bring your flags, and you will all need something to sit on, either a chair or groundsheet/individual bin liners etc.
The event will be outside, so come prepared.
Full uniform please.

Could as many of you that can please show up in full uniform?

Unfortunately due to my prior responsibilities I will not be there but I trust you will all represent Scorpion ESU in a mature fashion.